Monday, September 3, 2007


Albanian (Shqip)
Albanian is an Indo-European language which forms its own branch in the Indo-European family and has no close relatives. There are two main dialects of Albanian: Tosk, which is spoken by about 3 million people in southern Albania, Turkey, Greece and Italy; and Gheg, which is spoken by about 2.8 million people in Serbia and Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, northern Albania and Bulgaria. The dialects are more or less mutually intelligible and Tosk is the official language of Albania, and one of the official languages of Kosovo and Macedonia.
Albanian has been written with various alphabet since the 15th century. Originally the Tosk dialect was written with the Greek alphabet, while the Gheg dialect was written with the Latin alphabet. They have both also been written with the Turkish version of the Arabic alphabet. The Latin alphabet for Albanian was standardised in 1909, and a unified literary version of Albanian, based on the Tosk dialect, was established in 1972.
Albanian has also been written with two other scripts: Elbasan and Beitha Kukju, local inventions which appeared during the 18th and 19th centuries but were not widely used.
Elbasan script
The Elbasan script was invented around the middle of the 18th century and named after the city of Elbasan in central Albania where it was used.

Beitha Kukju script
The Beitha Kukju or Buthakukye script was apparently invented in about 1840 and named after its inventor. There are very few references to the script itself, and the name is not Albanian, so it is unclear whether it is genuine.

Latin alphabet for Albanian

1 comment:

Kosova said...

Koheve te fundit Disa webmastera shqiptar kane hapure nje site se bashku si grup me fitu te holla nepemres internetit:
Kliko ne link per me shume.